Tuesday 19 February 2008

rssorange.com - up, running & crawled

rssorange.com is a website for syndicating RSS feeds & is a free service for site & blog owners to submit their feed links. Here is the link for the rss feed submission form.

The domain was registered on 13th February 2008 and by the next day, googlebot had visited the site and placed it in search results on page 2, based upon a search of "rss orange". How long this position will be held, or even if the results will stay in search at all, remains to be seen.

So, how did it get found so quick? I suspect it was via displaypagerank.com as a backlink was placed on their toplist page, in exchange for having code on RSS Orange displaying the pagerank (of course, pr is currently 0) .

Next steps are to promote, develop & monitize the site. Definately a lot of work to be done & we will see how the rankings & results look over the next few months.

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